Monday, February 2, 2015

Do the Thing You Fear

Some people say it is crazy to write a blog about paradoxes. I disagree. I believe paradoxes are central to our existence. And so, I think it is a good idea to understand what a paradox is and how to make sense of it.

As you probably know, one way to explain a paradox is that it is an idea which seems to be a contradiction but is in fact true, or may be true. An example would be, “The only constant is change.” That statement contradicts itself but it is true.

In addition to paradoxes, I am a big believer in intuition. I believe it is often a good idea to follow my gut. However, I do realize there is a problem. The problem is that a lot of reality is counter-intuitive. For example, paradoxes are counter-intuitive. So, I believe we need to practice identifying the boundaries of our intuition.

Let's run through a quick example. Emerson once said, “Do the thing you fear.” Totally counter-intuitive because, understandably, most people avoid the things they fear. We do not always admit we are avoiding things. We might say we are too busy or we might say our spouse won't let us. When in reality we are making excuses for our avoidance behavior.

I think it is safe to say, the idea of doing things we fear seems practically insane (This is something I have written about before) We construct our lives to be comfortable, so why would we intentionally make ourselves uncomfortable? To my way of thinking, the reason we should do the things we fear is because growth is the imperative.

It appears we have been put on this earth to grow. Each of us might have different strengths and different callings. But, one thing we all have in common is the desire to grow. In fact, we are hard-wired to grow. We enjoy growing.

Think about it. Think about a time when you accomplished something difficult and worthwhile. Something that caused you to grow. Something that cause you to improvement yourself. Do you look back at that accomplishment with pride? Are you happy you did it?

We do not necessarily enjoy the growth process while it is happening. However, upon reflection, a lot of our best experiences are times when we struggle to accomplish a worthy goal. We are literally hard-wired to enjoy growing.

Why am I saying this? Well, let's go back to Emerson's quote. The complete quote is, “Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.” What was Emerson talking about? He was talking about growth. For most of us, fear is what holds us back. By definition, growing means changing. And, most of us are afraid of change. Oh, sure, we do not usually admit we are afraid. As I said before, we come up with all kinds of inventive excuses, blames, and justification. But, in reality, this is just a way to hide from the fact that we are scared.

Why have you not asked for a raise? Because you are scared. Why do you not have more clients? Because you are afraid. Why have you not pursued that promotion? You got it, fear! Fear keeps us small, and it violates the very reason we were put on this earth. Fear keeps us from growing.

So, how do we solve this conundrum? In a couple of words, baby steps. That would be a paradox in-and-of itself, ya know? “Small steps are big steps.” The truth is most people never takes any steps towards conquering their fears. So, no matter how small the step, it is a big step compared to doing nothing. And, over time, small steps add up to big steps.

Again, I believe we were put on this earth to grow. And, the main thing that keeps us from growing is fear. That being the case, how do we overcome our fears? One small step at a time.