Monday, May 2, 2016

What Do You Sell?

The Scottish writer, Robert Louis Stevenson, is quoted as saying, “Everyone lives by selling something.” What do you think? Do you agree? I do.

Too bad those words did not make it to the ears of Vincent van Gogh. Although accounts vary, ever so slightly, it is agreed that van Gogh did not sell very many of his paintings.

Most people agree van Gogh sold one of his paintings during his lifetime. Some, like art historian Marc Edo Tralbaut, contend Vincent sold two pieces. Either way, let's not split hairs.

The fact of the matter is, van Gogh relied heavily, on his brother Theo, for his livelihood. And, as you probably know, van Gogh suffered from mental illness, which ultimately led to his committing suicide. But, that is not the subject at hand.

My point is this, as we all know Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous artists of all time. One of his paintings sold, in 1990, for $82.5 million.

Even still, during his life, Van Gogh could not even afford to feed himself. What a profound reality. This speaks to the powerful importance of being able to sell things.

I do happen to believe that severe mental illness will prevent a person from being able to sell things. Fortunately, these days we have a lot of great resources available to help the mentality ill.

So, again, what do you sell? Actually, a better question would be, what it is that people buy from you? If you have a job, your employer buys your time and expertise. Your employer buys your effort, at wholesale, and sells it at retail.

Regardless of what you do, I think it is important to be able to answer the question, what do you sell? And, as I have stated, it is even better to identify why people buy whatever it is that you sell. As it turns out, that exercise is a fair bit harder than it sounds.

By the way, the one painting van Gogh did sell is called, “The Red Vineyard.” Here it is: