Monday, May 26, 2014

May The Force Be In You

Who does not like Star Wars? Nobody. It is a great fairy tale. And, we all know the quote, “May the force be with you.” It is a memorable line. And, it is kind of sexy. It is akin to wishing someone good luck. We do it all the time.

Maybe I should have titled this post “On luck” because I think it is an interesting topic. I heard it said one time that we should pray for miracles but work for results. I like this idea. It is rather paradoxical. The idea that miracles happen is so promising. It is so hopeful. It is something to wish for. But, counting on miracles is not a good strategy. A better strategy is to work your butt off. If luck comes in to play, all the better.

As you know, George Lucas is the person who wrote Star Wars. And, as George knew, he was not talking about reality. Lucas was not trying to tie present experience to intergalactic space. His intent was to “set standards.” Lucas knew he was dealing in mythology. For this reason, the Star Wars series is great entertainment. However, when it comes to life, the famous force quote needs to change one word. When it comes to real life we should say, “May the force be in you.”

The force is not something external to you. It is not something that is either with you or against you. The force is always within you. It is within all of us. We create force. I guess that brings me to another quote that is a little weird. At one point Yoda says, “Do or do not, there is no try.” I understand the point but it is kind of bologna.

Let's say you are teaching your child to ride a bike. Would you say, there is no try? Of course not. Like anything in life you have to try, and keep trying, until you get it. And that energy to keep trying comes from within. It is a force that we have to create. The force is within you.

The fact of the matter is, a lot of times we just have to force ourselves to do stuff. This relates to the idea of “emotional reasoning.” Emotional reasoning is a, somewhat, nerdy concept that I wrote about in this post (Don't Trust Yourself) It is where we do what our emotions, or feelings, tell us to do. I guess another name for it would be hedonism.

The idea of using the force, to combat emotional reasoning, is based upon the law of inertia. As we all know, inertia is Newton's first law of motion. It is that one that says objects in motion tend to stay in motion, and objects at rest tend to stay at rest. I way I think of it always seems to be about pushing a car that has run out of gas. But, the law of inertia applies to all facets of life.

When it comes to work, and creativity, it is not a good idea to wait around for the muse to kiss you. Rather you want to force yourself into action. A big key is to inject the necessary energy to overcome inertia. Pablo Picasso famously said, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” If your (metaphorical) car has run out of gas, the hardest part is getting it moving forward. Once the car is rolling it gets a lot easier. Let me give you a personal example.

I really did not want to write this blog post. I did not know what I was going to write about. Plus, being that it is Memorial Day weekend, I have a lot of other things I would rather be doing. The solution? Force. I just forced myself to sit down and start typing. And, sure enough, as I got into motion, the ideas started to flow.

Now, I am certain this post is not the best in the world. Like I said, the smell of barbeque makes it difficult to focus. So, please forgive me if this blog is all over the place. But, I had to do it. I am always trying to remind myself that my goals are stronger than my mood. I remind myself to distrust what it is I feel like doing. I guess that is how I selected this topic. I do not want to be typing these words right now. But, I do want to stick to my commitment of blogging new material once a week.

This is actually the first post where I have written about my current feelings. I did not think that was going to happen when I first sat down. But, that is where the muse led me. And, I did not what to be a hypocrite. How could I preach against emotional reasoning and not have a post ready for this week? I couldn't. And, I remembered the subtitle to this blog. It does not say, “Earth-shatteringly poetic prose posted every Monday.” It just says “I post something new every Monday.” Sorry Yoda, but, today, I tried my best.

All in all, we need to force ourselves into doing thing much more often than we will feel. If you're not forcing yourself to do things you do not feel like doing, then you are not reaching your full potential. And, it is my belief that work is the avenue by which humans can experience the joy of reaching their fullest potential. This is the take away from my very favorite book titled Flow. If you haven't read Flow, please do so. It might be the most important, and profound, book ever. More to come on that subject.

At any rate. May the force be in you!

Time for a burger!