Monday, January 8, 2018

To be a Lighthouse

Have you ever seen the television show Life Below Zero? I find it utterly fascinating and entertaining.

A little while back I was watching an episode and they had this clip which strongly resonated with me.

If you have seen the show, you might be familiar with the name Sue Aikens. She is a cast member, and a colorful one at that.

Sue said all her life she has wanted to be a lighthouse. She has wanted to be a beacon to show people a path to safety. Here is the clip from the show:

I don't know about you, but I totally relate. For as long as I remember, I too, have wanted to be a lighthouse. I have wanted to help guide the way.

I am not sure if it is connected, but, my mom has always been a fan of lighthouses. She has a number of lighthouse decorations throughout her house.

One thing I know, for sure, is life is complicated and challenging. And, cutting through the clutter can be quite a chore. Indeed, it can be overwhelming. 

For this reason, I think we could all use the objective assistance of a metaphorical lighthouse. A lighthouse without an agenda. Not a self-serving charlatan, but an honest guide.

When you find an honest broker of knowledge, I think they are more valuable than gold. I once mentioned three of my main, personal lighthouses in this post.

My commitment to you, today and forever, is to be a neutral arbiter of information. With the explicit goal of helping you, in whatever small way, reach your goals, whatever they may be. In a word: effectiveness.

Additionally, done well, I think we know entrepreneurship is a form of lighthouse. More on this as we move forward. What do you want to be remembered for? Figure it out, then go do it.