Monday, January 29, 2018

Growth is Its Own Reward

Please allow me to get a little nerdy, for a moment, and say that humans love transcendence.

Meaning, we humans love to transcendent our physical and mental limits.

This desire for transcendence can lead to good, bad, or innocent behaviors.

Drugs and alcohol are a way to transcend. And, within reason, they can be pleasurable. However, taken too far, they can turn, and become destructive.

There are also innocent ways to transcend. For example, kids often enjoy making themselves dizzy. Their pleasure is the result of temporarily escaping their day-to-day earthbound reality.

Halloween is another big occasion for transcendence. Kids of all ages enjoy dressing up because it allows us to become something other than we usually are. It allows us to transcend our limits.

Hopefully you are following me. I admit this post is a little nerdy.

This leads me to, perhaps, the most important form of transcendence; growth. You see, every time we grow, as human beings, we transcend our physical and mental limits. Isn't that right?

Becoming more than you were is definitely a transcendent experience. And it is available to us all. Indeed, humans are hard-wired to enjoy the growth experience.

Do not get me wrong, while in the process of growth, it can be very unenjoyable. Growing pains are a very real thing.

The joy is experienced upon reflection. When we look back at our struggles, and the obstacles we overcame, it can be a highly transcendent experience.

And, again, this is an experience available to all. Even better, it is a constructive, not destructive, behavior.

Last week I talked about the importance of faith. And, this week, I am asking you to believe. While you are going through the growth process, it may not be very fun or enjoyable.

But, I am asking you to believe. To put your faith in the knowledge of the joy of transcendence.

Indeed, I believe growth is life's imperative. No matter your age!