Monday, December 18, 2017

Seduced by Technology

We humans are overly seduced by technology.

We love shiny new objects. To a fault.

We focus on new things because they are neat or "cool."

But, they are really just a convenient distraction.

The most important technology, in the world, exists between your two ears.

Your head contains the technology you should be focused on.

The new iPhone will not bring you lasting happiness. It will not fill the void.

Humans are wired for progress. Meaning, progressing from Point A to Point B.

Whether your goal is entrepreneurship, or whatever it is, you need to be clear about your mission.

What is your Point B?

Technology is usually a distraction. A dream. Wishful thinking.

The tool needs to serve the mission.

The mission ALWAYS comes first.

Ask yourself, what are you really trying to do?

Who do you want to be?

What do you want to be remembered for?

A lot of people do not have a clear mission. So, they default to technology for distraction (under the guise of entertainment.) Which ultimately leads to a lot of regret.

Do not let technology get the best of you.

I only say this because I have made this mistake myself.

Many times.

It led me to Nowheresburg.

