Monday, March 21, 2016

The Three Barriers to Effectiveness

The three barriers to effectiveness are: Fear, Doubt, and Apathy.

As the antidotes, Drucker says we need: Courage, Faith, and Work.

How do we develop courage?
A little bit at a time. By facing our fears. By listening to Josh Groban or Sara Bareilles. By studying BrenĂ© Brown. You see, we cannot go around fear. We must go through it.

How do we develop faith?
Through education and by getting around people that have accomplished what we are looking to accomplish. Remember, what one person has done, another can always do again. Perhaps you listen to Craig Ferguson singing a Dead Man Fall song.

How do we keep on working?
I do not know. Motivation is a tricky thing. Some people are motivated extrinsically by dreams, goals, and possessions. Others are motivated more internally by autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Then, others are motivated by anger and revenge. What I do know is that motivation is an inside job. It is up to each of us to motivate ourselves. It is not something I can teach you. Although, I would recommend reading Ed Deci's book.

One thing I do know is that fear and doubt zap motivation. Conquer your fear, and build your faith, and your motivation should improve.

Lest you think I am full of so much hot air, we need to remember what Geoff Colvin wrote, Talent is Overrated.

Drucker writes, "A good many studies of research scientists have shown that achievement (at least below the genius level of an Einstein, Niels Bohr, or a Max Planck) depends less on ability in doing research than on the courage to go after opportunity."