Monday, July 6, 2015

Money Advice

From time to time I like to repost articles from other authors. That way, if you like what you see, you can investigate some of the thinkers I tend to admire. What's more, a variety of perspectives is probably a good thing.

Grant Cardone is an interesting guy. He is a sales and business trainer who lives down in Miami, Florida. I recently read a blog post, of his, titled "Money Advice." Mr. Cardone is a self-made man who does quite well financially.

I thought this post was good stuff, so I decided to pass it along. Let me point out one lesson within the lesson. As you will see, Cardone makes a lot of mistakes in his writing. I find that inspirational. As you know, I tend to be a perfectionist. And, whenever I am tempted to head down the perfect path, I try to remind myself of Grant's story. Cardone does very well and has zero concern for perfection.

Here is the post, in its entirety:

The following are 100% true statements that will guarantee you never have money: a penny saved is a penny earned; a home is a great investment; money doesn't grow on trees; get a good job; get a good education; work hard and save your money; invest in a 401k and on and on--they go with the promise that you will live happily ever after. Are you nodding in agreement? Well, these are all the things you were taught that at one time might have been true for your grandparents but today will only ensure you are a mere slave to your finances--or lack thereof. These false ideas about money, saving, investing, working, and education have trapped hundreds of millions of people. The illusion of the middle class is sold so well that many who read this will think I am being sacrilegious.

I remember my father telling me, "money doesn't grow on trees." The point here is that money was a scarce commodity that needed to be protected, conserved, saved and budgeted. The problem with that mentality is it suggested that money is in a shortage, but it is not. Money comes from a cotton bush and is printed by groups approved by government agencies. There is no shortage of money on this planet and never has been. The only shortage is people going out to meet people that have abundances of money.

If you were raised like me I know you've heard, "a penny saved is a penny earned." Uggh wrong, a penny saved is a penny. This thinking is why so many people never have anything. The biblical saying, "ask and you shall receive" is true and today that means get into sales, marketing and the business of asking for money and then learn how to ask often and ask for more.

You focus on pennies you get pennies.

Do you remember your mother telling you, "eat all your food and be grateful, there is someone starving somewhere in the world." My mom told me this at every meal, comparing our situation to someone else's that was worse off in order to make me grateful and a little guilty. The reality is she was right, but me comparing my financial situation to another that is doing worse than me will never improve my financial condition--much less theirs.

Many people believe that scrimping to save and hoarding money to make them wealthy. But no one has ever gotten truly rich saving money, they just get old. I don't want to wait until I am 90 to have money. You aren't rich if you can't spend your money, you are just a miser. Why have money if you can't use it? The real key (to wealth) is to have multiple flows of income that are indestructible due to economic conditions or technological developments.

Quit focusing at the expenses portion of your finances, that is playing defense, not offense. The budget is to spend and I want you to spend (invest) your time learning new ways to increase income and stop investing in things that don't produce other flows of income. The sacred middle-class that was sold to each of us as a state of financial nirvana is no more than a hoax of hope.

The home as an investment is just another complete lie or delusion at best to prop up an industry. I hope all my real estate friends don't hate me, but a home is another trap immobilizing people. Sold as the American dream is more like the American nightmare where people can't move, don't ever truly own and must continue to spend to keep. Go back over the last 50 years you will only see about a 1-2% increase in home values per year adjusted for inflation.

Compare that to apartment ownership which doubles in price every 10 years while producing income to the owner and paying down the debt, the maintenance, and property taxes.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't own a home, but I certainly wouldn't own one until you are rich. You never think a home is a way to create financial freedom. A house should be looked at as an expense, not an investment and merely a place to live. I hope this gives you something to think about today.

I hope this gives you something to think about today. If you feel a little irritated as a result of this article, it is because you should, but don't take it out on me. You have been lied to and at best misguided. Now that you know, it's your job to change the way you approach money. Just a few things that I started with to get me moving in the direction of financial freedom.

Just a few things that I started with to get me moving in the direction of financial freedom:

1. Income matters more than expenses. I got into sales and learned everything I could about it. I hated sales in the beginning, but it gave me the ability to control my income and not be limited. Now I have my own sales training university, CardoneUniversity.

2. Get multiple flows of income, not just one. This does not mean you need to get a second job. Look for other opportunities where you work now that can make second sales (income) or bonuses. Also I joined network marketing groups as a way to broaden the people I knew and give me another flow.

3. If there is no income don't invest in it. Sell your house and buy rental property. I know this sounds crazy, but rent where you live and own what you can rent to others. This will create amazing wealth for you and your family over your lifetime.

Bizarre advice you might be thinking? Only if you are so committed to what your mommy and daddy told you. That was a different time. I suffered with the middle-class mentality most of my life and everything changed for me when I started studying people that had attained financial freedom. Google my name and money or Grant Cardone net worth, it's low, but at least it may give you a little more confidence in this advice.

You have been brainwashed and it's holding you back, the middle class is not what was sold to you. It is filled with traps and you need to get out. Don't hate on the rich or wealthy, hate on the scam and get out.