Monday, January 12, 2015

What I Learned From A Skateboarder

Have you ever heard the saying, “Fall down seven times, stand up eight”? I love it. In the world of physics, falling down is inevitable. Gravity sees to it. And, life in general, is an extension of physics. I guess that is why we call it the physical world.

Another way it is often put is as a boxing metaphor. You know the idea. The idea that it is ok to get knocked down. The only sin is staying down.

Have you ever heard of Rodney Mullen? If not, Mr. Mullen is one of the greatest skateboarders to ever live. If you have never seen his stuff, you really should check it out. So impressive! Some time ago I stumbled onto Rodney's TED Talk and I figured I would pass it along.

Humans are very visualize creatures. I know I am. And, I like to have a visual, in my head, to remind me of the ideas that I hold dear. One extremely important idea is the value of getting back up. It really starts with giving myself permission to get knocked down. Fall down seven times, stand up eight.

I think skateboarding is a great visualize, a great analogy for life. Click here to watch Rodney Mullen's TED Talk on YouTube.